Smart Structures and Systems Laboratory
at University of Seoul
We are looking for graduate students and post-doctoral researchers. Contact Dr. Soojin Cho for more information.
Smart Structures and Systems Laboratory is developing smart structural systems using decent computer-aided or IT-aided technologies based on high level of structural engineering. The research area includes structural health monitoring, digital image processing and computer vision, deep learning, information analysis by heterogeneous data fusion, wireless smart sensor, modal testing and system identification, and finite element model updating.
Our research includes...
- Structural health monitoring (SHM)
- Smart sensors, materials, and structures
- Digital image processing and computer vision for civil infrastructure
- Deep learning for automated structural monitoring
- UAV-based structural monitoring and maintenance
- Human-structure interaction using smartphones
- Experimental modal testing and system identification
- Finite element model updating
- Signal processing and statistical pattern recognition
- Structural reliability and risk assessment
- Earthquake engineering and seismic design
- Full-scale dynamic testing